The Ultimate Home Inspection Checklist for Buyers

Before buying a home, you should always make sure it’s in good condition, or at the very least safe. The best way to do this is to go through a home inspection when you find a potential home. A home inspection, as long as it’s done by a professional home inspector, will point out any possible problems.

This is, by far, the most reliable way to make sure a home is safe before deciding to buy it. However, a lot of homeowners don’t know what exactly to pay attention to during a home inspection. This is why, even if you’re going to get a professional inspection done, we recommend having a checklist on hand.

So, in order to help out, we’ve put together the ultimate home inspection checklist for buyers, and we hope you find it helpful.

Issues With the Roof

The first thing on the ultimate home inspection checklist is the roof. The roof is, obviously, one of the most important parts of a home. And problems with the roof can have very serious consequences if ignored, which is why you should keep an eye out for them.

If the roof is leaking, missing shingles, or sagging, then it’s either nearing the end of its lifespan or damaged. Replacing the roof is very expensive and time-consuming, so if a potential home has a damaged roof, you’re better off looking for another one.

Especially if you’re considering buying an old house, you might not want to bother if it’s in need of repairs. Certain repairs are acceptable because they’re easy to deal with, but the roofing isn’t one of these. Remember, the consequences of the roof collapsing are serious and very expensive to fix, so don’t take the risk.

Home Inspection

Problems With the Foundation

The next thing on the ultimate home inspection checklist is the foundation. Needless to say, the foundation is a vital part of any home, and issues with it are both very hard and expensive to fix. So, when touring a potential home, look for sagging floors, cracks in plaster walls, sticking doors, basement wall cracks, and pools of water near the foundation.

All of these can indicate a damaged foundation, which is, all in all, extremely dangerous. Remember, damage to the foundation is expensive and complicated to repair. So, if you spot any signs of it, you’re better off looking for another home. When moving into the home, keep in mind that experts from warn that damaging the home is very easy.

Your best call is to rely on experienced professionals to get you moved into your home, as damaging your home is the last thing you want.

Problems With the Plumbing

Plumbing is another part of the home which is incredibly vital. After all, living in a home without access to water isn’t something anyone wants to do. So, when looking through a potential home, keep an eye out for problems with the plumbing.

Wet patches on the wall, weak water pressure, and mold all point to leaking pipes. And remember, a leaky pipe can very quickly escalate into a much bigger problem. When a pipe bursts, it can cause a lot of water damage to a home, which can get very expensive to fix. Bad plumbing is another issue that is fairly common in old homes.

Renovating an old house is both complicated and potentially expensive, so unless you’re ready for it, we recommend moving on. Of course, if the home is in good condition, there’s no reason not to buy it, but not if it has obvious problems.

Home Inspection

Faulty or Old HVAC System

Another thing to keep in mind is the HVAC system, which is very important overall. A faulty HVAC system can lead to all sorts of issues. Some are very simple, such as being unable to keep the home at any given temperature. Other problems, however, can have very serious consequences overall.

For example, a faulty HVAC system can cause a house fire and lead to quite a lot of damage. Unfortunately, problems with the HVAC system aren’t that easy to spot, which is why we recommend hiring a professional. Just remember: when it comes to the HVAC system, don’t take any chances.

However, when you actually settle on a home and move in, remember that unpacking can get somewhat complicated, so you should follow a carefully designed list. By doing this, you can make sure that you don’t lose anything while settling into your new home.

Issues With the Electric Systems

Another potentially deadly problem is faulty electrical systems. If you spot blackened electric outlets, malfunctioning appliances, or anything similar, it might be a better choice to look for a different home. Issues with the electrical system in a home can be hard to spot, so this is another issue for which we recommend hiring professionals.

And to make it worse, problems with the electric system should never be fixed DIY. This is because, of course, electricity is very dangerous, and you could make it even worse. One stray spark from a malfunctioning wire can cause a house fire.

So, if you do decide to buy a home with electrical problems, hire a professional to get it fixed as soon as possible. And when you’re in your new home, it might be worth thinking about decluttering the home every so often, as an organized home is easier to maintain.

Home Inspection

The Ultimate Home Inspection Checklist for Buyers – Closing Thoughts

All in all, simply having a checklist to follow and inspecting a home yourself generally isn’t enough to make sure the home is safe. This is why we always recommend also getting a professional home inspection, just in case.

But, having a checklist on hand when touring a potential home can help you easily decide whether you want to buy a home or not. After all, if you can spot obvious problems with the home, it might not be worth buying after all. We hope that the ultimate home inspection checklist for buyers helps you out, and we wish you a good day.