How to Maintain the Garden Plants?

A well-maintained garden makes your yard beautiful. Everyone likes to do gardening according to space and time. The Garden needs some attention if you do not maintain the garden that may get messy or overgrown. Every garden has different growing needs and requirements. Hence, you need proper material and equipment’s to maintain the garden plants. With your small effort and care, your garden can look beautiful and well maintained. 

Here we are going to share some tips to maintain the garden plants:

1. Lawn maintenance 

To maintain the garden plants, first, you have to maintain the temperature of your garden. Extreme hot weather can spoil your plants. In the summer weather avoid cutting the grass too short. If you leave the grass standing at about 5 centimeters, then it will protect the soil from the sun’s heat. The soil will not dry too much because of it. You need to take care of the soil as well as your plants. Good soil means healthier and stronger plants. 

You can use 10-15 liters of water per square meter of your garden, as it guided. Overwatering is harmful to your garden, as it can lead to mold formation.

2. Watering

 You need to understand the watering method carefully if you want to maintain the garden beautifully. 

  • The best time to give water to your plant is early in the morning or evening time. Because this time soil is cooler, the soil will less evaporate than during the heat of the noontime. 
  • Avoid watering too much, too much water can spoil the plant growth and roots can be spoil of plant. 
  • To maintain the garden, you just need to garden soil evenly moist. If soil is moist then give water 2-3 times per week. 
  • Do not pour water on the plant heads, that can be damage your plant formation. 


3. Protect from weeds 

If you want to maintain the garden plants then you have to protect your garden from unwanted weeds. To prevent the growth of weeds, you need to form your plant beds densely. You have to minimize the space available for weeds to grow.

Also, you can use mulch, it will prevent weed seeds from sprouting. Weeding trowel is one more option to remove the weeds by its roots.

When your garden is well planted and growing, then apply organic mulch up to 3-4 inches deep in the soil. Mulching is a way of long term weed control method. 

4. Plan before you plant

When you start thinking about maintaining the garden, you need to make a plan for your list of plants. Do little research to find out which plants on your list are the easiest to grow in your city or area. It will help you to select the plants that are more likely to look beautiful and healthier after you plant them in your garden area. 

If you are purchasing seeds then make sure you buy them from a trustable and reputable company. 

[Read Best Plants for your Home Garden]

So, you only need proper planning, regular maintenance, and some care to maintain the garden plants.

Happy gardening!!





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